你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2)



你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2) 職場 第1張



Dear SalesExecutive:


would you react if I suggested that the motto of the sales training
industry ought to be, 「Sales training: Long on promises, short on
there is one thing the industry has always lacked, it is a solid,
validated, data-driven methodology to evaluate the claims that suppliers
make for their programs. But, as I said in the previous edition of this
newsletter, that is no longer the case. Let’s talk some more about 「big
data.」如果行業一直缺乏一件事,那麼它就是一種可靠的,經過驗證的數據驅動方法,用於評估供應商為其計劃提出的索賠。 但是,正如我在本期期刊的上一版中所說,情況已不再如此。 讓我們再談談「大數據」。

We are committed to your professional success.我們致力於您的事業成功。

你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2) 職場 第2張

Duane Sparks杜南•斯巴克斯

Author of Action Selling行動銷售作者

你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2) 職場 第3張


Selling operates from the research-proven principle that the most
effective way to boost a company’s sales performance is to train
salespeople in a way that improves five Critical Selling Skills. Those
critical skills are:行動銷售採用經過研究證明的原則,即提高公司銷售業績的最有效方法是培訓銷售人員,以提高五項關鍵銷售技能。

Those five critical skills are:1.Buyer/Seller Relationship2.Sales Call Planning3.Questioning/Listening4.Presentation Skills5.Gaining Commitment


Recently a prospective client for Action Selling training challenged us with some extremely interesting questions:最近,行動銷售培訓的潛在客戶向我們提出了一些非常有趣的問題:1.How
much has your training improved critical selling skills in companies in
particular industries, such as technology, heath care, manufacturing,
finance, or agriculture?1、您的培訓對技術,醫療保健,製造業,金融或農業等特定行業的公司貢獻了多少關鍵銷售技能?2.Which of these skills was the most deficient? Which skills improved the most?2、哪些技能最缺乏? 哪種技能提升最多?3.How
do you compare gains in knowledge (how much students learn in a
training program) to how much they transfer into the field?3、您如何比較知識的獲得(受訓人員在培訓計劃中學到了多少)與他們轉移到領域的程度?4.Which of the critical skills, when improved, produces the greatest return on investment for the salesperson’s company?4、哪些關鍵技能在改進後,會為銷售人員的公司帶來最大的投資回報?No sales training company in history could answer questions like those with reliable, validated data—until now.至今為止,歷史上沒有任何銷售培訓公司可以回答那些具有可靠,經過驗證的數據問題。

「BIG DATA」「大數據」In
1995 my company, The Sales Board, formed a development team of software
engineers and psychometricians to create a validated instrument that
would reliably measure factors pertaining to Action Selling training.
Those factors include how much knowledge a salesperson has about the
selling skills that are critical to success; how much that knowledge
level improves after training; and how well the person is able to use
the knowledge on the job. (Applying skills and knowledge on the job is,
of course, the only way to improve actual sales performance.)1995年,我的公司,銷售委員會成立了一個由軟件工程師和心理測量師組成的開發團隊,創建一個經過驗證的工具,可以可靠地測量與銷售行動相關的因素。
這些因素包括銷售人員對成功至關重要的銷售技巧的了解程度; 訓練後知識水平提高了多少; 以及這個人如何能在工作中使用這些知識。
I explained in the last edition of eCoach, we now have compiled 20
years’ worth of data on 400,000 salespeople from more than 3,500
companies in a broad range of industries. Our SQL relational database
contains about 78 million data points.正如我在上一期eCoach中所解釋的那樣,我們現在已經為來自各行各業的3,500多家公司的400,000名銷售人員編制了20年的數據。 我們的SQL關係數據庫包含大約7800萬個數據點。So, yes, we could answer our client’s questions. And we could do it with very high degrees of accuracy and validity.所以,理所當然,我們可以回答客戶的問題。 我們可以以非常高的準確率和有效性來做到這一點。The
「big data」 we have amassed over 20 years allows us to look at each of
the five Critical Sales Skills (and at all five together) to determine
the average starting point for students, prior to training, in both
knowledge and ability to apply the knowledge. We also can determine the
levels that students reached upon certification in each skill. We then
can calculate (in percentage terms) the skill gain that occurred, in
both knowledge and application, as a direct result of sales training.我們積累了20多年的「大數據」,讓我們可以查看五項關鍵銷售技巧(以及所有五項)的每一項,以確定受訓人員培訓之前在知識和申請能力方面的平均知識起點。
我們還可以確定學生在每項技能認證時達到的水平。 然後,我們可以(在百分比方面)計算在知識和應用中發生的技能收益,作為銷售培訓的直接結果。In
Part 1 of this series, we showed what that looks like for the first
critical sales skill, Buyer/Seller Relationship. Here is what the data
shows for the second critical skill, Sales Call Planning:在本系列的第1部分中,我們展示了第一個關鍵銷售技巧,買方/賣方關係的樣子。 以下是數據顯示的第二個關鍵技能:銷售呼叫計劃:

你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2) 職場 第4張

說明:1.藍條表示訓練前的平均評估分數。 綠條表示認證時的評估分數。2.左側的兩條表示知識測量。 右側的兩條表示應用程序測量。

Remarkable findings about this skill關於這項技能的顯著發現

training, salespeople had a reasonable amount of knowledge (64%), but
the ability to apply sales-call planning skills was surprisingly low
(37%). Salespeople generally are poor planners.1、在培訓之前,銷售人員具有合理的知識量(64%),但應用銷售呼叫計劃技能的能力卻低得驚人(37%)。 銷售人員通常都是糟糕的策劃者。2.The key to mastering this skill lies in understanding how to set the right kind of objectives for a sales call.2、掌握這項技能的關鍵在於了解如何為銷售呼叫設定正確的目標。3.The
post-certification Application score of 82%, compared with the
post-certification Knowledge score of 83%, shows that trained
salespeople, when they return to the job, actually use nearly all of the
skills they learned.3、認證後應用分數為82%,與認證後知識分數83%相比,表明經過培訓的銷售人員在返回工作崗位時,實際上使用了他們學到的幾乎所有技能。4.The
121% Skill Gain suggests that Sales Call Planning is the No. 1 most
important skill to focus upon in training. No other skill posted that
high a gain.4、121%的技能收益表明,銷售呼叫計劃是培訓中最重要的技能。 沒有其他技能宣布那麼高的收益。In the next edition of eCoach, we will look at what the data shows about the third critical sales skill, Questioning/Listening.在下一版eCoach中,我們將查看數據顯示的第三個關鍵銷售技巧:提問/傾聽。Meanwhile, maybe Action Selling’s motto ought to be, 「Sales training: Results you can prove!」同時,也許Action Selling的座右銘應該是「銷售培訓:結果,你可以證明的」。

你知道的銷售培訓工作原理是怎樣的?(Part 2) 職場 第5張

* For information about how to make sales training pay huge dividends, contact us at 0755-88265430,88261982.



❶ 近期公開課 : 12月27-28日 深圳 ❷ 科特勒學院專注企業行銷銷售培訓❸長按右側二維碼,訪問學院微網站

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