


Mandarin Go 在教學環境中,透過說故事營造學習的情境。孩子們聆聽充滿想像力的故事,自然地與其他孩子們互動,並且於合作中喚起發展中的心智,促發表現與學習的潛力。在連續且漸進的課程安排中,孩子們能夠運用感覺系統來理解外界事物,進而採取行動並解決問題。Mandarin Go 的課程使用代表不同環境的符號,如街道、校園及博物館等,連結孩子的自身經歷與邏輯思考,增進知覺與概念的發展。


快樂,是學習的出發點。Mandarin Go 轉化共享的學習環境至個人能力發展,讓孩子享受學習中文的過程,並且幸福地成長。


Mandarin Go constructs a scenario based learning environment through storytelling to inspire children to cooperate and interact with each other. Our gradual, continuous curriculum encourages children to understand the external environment and develop their potential in learning. For instance, applying logical thinking to everyday objects to enhance their perceptions and nurture idea development.


Happiness is the starting point of learning. Mandarin Go integrates personal development with group learning, allowing children to enjoy the Mandarin learning journey, and at the same time growing happily with us.