紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計



紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第1張

OMA和Inside Outside合作設計了杜拜一座巨大的紀念碑,名為「Ethar – 敬重寬厚。」該裝置由1,680根三角形回收鋁柱組成,排列成磁場,上面刻有阿拉伯學者,科學家和思想家的故事。

OMA and Inside Outside have collaborated on the design of a vast monument in Dubai, titled 「Ethar – Honoring Generosity.」 The installation consists of a field of 1,680 triangular-shaped recycled aluminum columns arrayed like a magnetic field, engraved with stories from Arabic scholars, scientists, and thinkers.

紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第2張


The installation was designed to celebrate the 「unique culture of charitable giving in the United Arab Emirates with a physical installation that is part of the urban landscape of Dubai.」 Designed for a site on Jumeirah Beach, the monument’s character can also be adapted for various contexts, whether dispersed throughout the city or appearing in key urban locations as a symbol of Emirati culture.

紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第3張


The 1,680 columns are arrayed like a magnetic field, pointing towards a rectangular plaza at the heart of the installation. As visitors explore the scheme, they first encounter a field of small pillars at the site’s boundary, transforming into a street as the columns grow taller, before ultimately opening up in the public square in the center. A pleasant micro-climate is created by the density of the columns, further enhanced by shading devices that transform the monument into a playful social space.

紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第4張


At night, an illuminated spectacle sees lights gradually shifting from wide to sharp, and cold to warm, while rows of stainless steel lighting fixtures define the plaza, and enhance the gesture of movement in the design.

紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第5張

該項目是通過讚助個人專欄籌集的資金資助的,將用於支持阿聯酋的教育慈善機構。該方案由YBK集團的Yasser Bin Khediya先生發起,並將由總部位於杜拜的Ethar基金會實施。

The project is financed through funds raised by the sponsoring of individual columns and will be used to support charities with a focus on education in the UAE. The scheme was initiated by the YBK Group, Mr. Yasser Bin Khediya, and will be carried out by the Dubai based Ethar Foundation.

紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第6張

該項目的消息是在OMA發布台北表演藝術中心的建設更新後不久傳出的。該公司最近還慶祝了其位於阿姆斯特丹的RAI Nhow酒店的落成。

News of the scheme comes shortly after OMA released a construction update for their performing arts center in Taipei. The firm also recently celebrated the topping out of its stacked RAI Nhow Hotel in Amsterdam.

建築師:OMA和Inside Outside







紀念碑還可以這樣設計? OMA和Inside Outside合作設計 科技 第7張




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