日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想



日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第1張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第2張


日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第3張



日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第4張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第5張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第6張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第7張



日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第8張


日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第9張


日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第10張


動漫的發展是在二戰期間,由於手塚治蟲先生收到啟發,在其間創造了很多的動漫角色,其中的部分有從美國的迪士尼影業借鑒。這樣的內容給眾多的漫畫家所帶來衝擊,使之後的年代開始有了供孩子們娛樂的漫畫、動畫;其中比較有名的有圓谷英二、藤子不二雄、鳥山明。一開始動漫對於人們來說是一種藝術,對各種方面都有裨益,但自從jump comic漫刊發表後,動漫的藝術地位降低至雅俗共享。老師還有提到,初期的漫畫還只有鳥獸人物繪畫和劇畫,其中劇畫比較複雜,是成年人所感興趣的,而鳥獸人物繪畫利用了動漫初期的擬人化加上「萌」的元素,這樣的設計給予了角色以靈魂。據說某個人曾說過手塚治蟲先生是動漫這一系列多米諾骨牌的開端,對後世產生了很多的深遠影響。比如他可能造就了當今漫畫家的薪水收入及人生情況,以及押井守的故事。後續提到了特攝劇的圓谷英二老先生採取了很多不同的拍法,使得能拍出巨大的奧特曼的特效。

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日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第12張



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日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第14張



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日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第16張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第17張


日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第2張

Japan Animation and Comics

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第3張

—English Version

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第20張

The voyage of animation learning had just ending. I remember, in those unforgettable days, fourteen of us, who was the fan of Japanese animation had learned seriously hard in the school, so the animate project have been achieved in success.

While producing our product, four of us have different attitude to every pieces we draw. Some are keep move forward and tried to reach the best, cause’ that it is possible to be the only chance in our life. Others were aimed to have fun in the process, so they treat the assignment relatively bland. I can embraced their difference and behavior. To me, a fan of my dear animate, the concepts and informations I gained in these seven days were truly applicable and interesting. It is enough to me for left any traces in the animation field.

On the day of January 28th, I stepped my feet on the Haneda airport, Tokyo. A busy week began after I meet the girls and Ms.Lai and immigrated in to AUA Hotel. Here’s the things I learned at Mr.Yamamoto’s class:The animation generated during the second world war, primary aimed for illustrate the fright and devastating effect, moreover spread about the love. Osamu Tezuka get influenced at America’s Disney movie, such as Mickey Mouse or Simba. As a result, some artist in Japan started to create the manga characters with animals for origin and represented the element of 「cute」. From then on, the characters had some feature of human and shown more emotion through the movie, animations are no longer create for the nobility but also for global children. Among those best typical product, the most attractive character and created by artists such as Eiji Tsuburaya, Fujiko Fujio and Akira Toriyama. However, since Tezuka published the Jump Comic, the artistic importance of animation was in a decline. On the contrary, Gekiga(drama drawing) have the attention of adults. Mr.Yamamoto pointed out that Tezuka is like the leading domino who lead to several consequence. The latter he discussed was about Ultraman by Eiji.

On the next day, Mr.Yamamoto analysis the difference between canvas and manga. According to his speech, in the year of 1896, the publishing of How to Photo make many development on canvas painting. So he made a contrast between drawing canvas and photographing. Mostly, on the aspect of light, canvas was drawn by facsimiling on the real image, but photographing was done by leading the light to a paper with a particular chemical reaction. Then he introduced his research of small aperture image, which required us to discover the change on light by making a camera, and that’s interesting.

In the process of our project, the scene we choose was about 「fighting」 in a Taiwan television program, because that’s entertaining to look at two boys technically were dancing on the contrary of fighting. On this basis, we changed the features on face and costume of characters in order to create two familiar figures from the animation we had looked before. Unfortunately, laziness of some members occurred during the process and I’m annoyed with it. Luckily we get the prize in the first place, while the other member is celebrating, I looked to that suspending medal shining, but the heart is get depressed by those who worked least but get the best prize. To look the world in a positive way, I have learned about the life of a manga creator, and look forward to it. So I d’like to live with animation and marine biology for my major.

At the last of this nameless journey, I need to passionately thank Ms.Lai, who regulate our schedule everyday and making it more interesting. Although she was get annoyed by somebody’s absent, her devote on work can be shown. The same of Mr. Yamamoto, everyday as sun rises, he get to the classroom and waiting his students, talking about animation in cadence as usual. The deep philosophical concepts and artistic methods left us a clear impression. For addition, the schedule of this voyage is rational, cause’ that we see an unusual world we had never seen.

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第21張


20190128期日本JAC動漫實習 方澤川

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第22張

日本動漫學員心聲 | 方澤川:日本之行,滿足了我這個動漫發燒友的一切幻想 動漫 第23張

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