



As we approach June, we want to give you a heads-up on a fun in-game event coming next week, as well as just some of the first details on Season 2 Battle Pass.


The Hunt Begins . . .

狩獵開始了。 。 。

Compete in Legendary Hunt challenges to earn this Epic Master of the Hunt Bloodhound skin and more.



Starting next Tuesday, we’ll be kicking off a new event called The Legendary Hunt. This limited-time event will last two weeks, and with it brings all this to Kings Canyon:

從下周二開始,我們將開始一項名為The Legendary Hunt的新活動。這個限時活動將持續兩周,並將以下內容帶到國王峽谷:

Apex Elite Queue

Apex 精英賽

Test yourself against the best with the Apex Elite queue. Make it to the Top 5 in any match to earn your way into a select queue full of other Top 5 winners.

使用Apex Elite隊列測試自己的極限。在任何比賽中進入前5名,以獲得進入其他前5名獲勝者的精英隊列。

Here’s the catch: in order to continue playing in the queue you will have to keep placing in the Top 5.


Legendary Hunt Challenge Rewards


Complete a set of limited-time challenges and earn new Rare, Epic, and Legendary skins.


Double XP Weekend


From Friday, June 7 at 10 a.m. PST through Monday, June 10 at 10 a.m. PST, earn double XP on base progression and Battle Pass progression.


Battle Pass Bonus XP

通行證 雙倍經驗

Finish Top 5 in any match and earn an entire Battle Pass level (once per day).


Legendary Hunt Store Skins


Every three to four days during the event, we’ll have new Legendary Hunt themed skins rotating through the in-game store for direct purchase.


Two Additional Legendary Skins for all Battle Pass Owners


Players who have the Wild Frontier Battle Pass will automatically get the Legendary Honored Prey R-301 skin.

擁有第一賽季Battle Pass的玩家將自動獲得Legendary Honored Prey R-301的皮膚。

Players who reach Battle Pass level 15 before the end of the event will get the Wraith Night Terror Legendary skin.

在活動結束前達到Battle Pass 15級的玩家將獲得惡靈 Night Terror傳奇皮膚。


First Details on Season 2 Battle Pass

At 10:00 a.m. PST on Saturday, June 8, we’ll be sharing some of the first details on Apex Legends Season 2 as part of our EA PLAY livestream. Today, we want to tell you about just a few of the high-level improvements you can expect from our second Battle Pass. So, without further ado, we’ll let our Lead Product Manager, Lee Horn, tell you more. Take it away, Lee!


在6月8日星期六太平洋標準時間上午10點,我們將分享Apex Legends第2季的一些細節,作為我們的EA PLAY直播的一部分。今天,我們想告訴您關於我們第二賽季戰鬥通行證可以期待的一些高級改進。所以,不用多說,我們會讓我們的首席產品經理Lee Horn告訴你更多。快上吧,Lee!

Leeeeeee-RSPN here, with an update on Battle Pass Season 2. We’ve been listening to the community discussion regarding the Season 1 Battle Pass and have gotten a ton of great feedback from players. Today, we’re excited to share just some of the changes and improvements you can expect with the Season 2 Battle Pass, so y’all can know that we’re headed in the right direction.

Leeeeeee-RSPN在這里,有關Battle Pass第2季的最新消息。我們一直在聽有關第1季戰鬥通行證的社區討論,並得到了很多玩家的好評。今天,我們很高興能夠分享第二季戰鬥通行證所帶來的一些變化和改進,所以你們都知道我們正朝著正確的方向前進。



Level up via Daily and Weekly Challenges.


Time to Battle Pass level 100 should be significantly reduced.


Three additional Legendary skins added to the rewards track.


Three entirely new content categories replace badge and stat tracker rewards.


You’ll earn enough Crafting Metal rewards from the full reward track to craft a Legendary item, or whatever your heart desires.


Daily/Weekly Challenges and Improving the Grind


Starting in Season 2, you’ll be able to complete a mix of Daily and Weekly Challenges to level up your Battle Pass. If you miss a few weeks or start late, your Weekly Challenges will still be around for you when you return, and you can complete them all at once.


While we don’t want to introduce wacky challenges that drastically warp the way you play the game, these challenges should provide some interesting variation from game-to-game. This means all players should feel more rapid Battle Pass progression and the journey will hopefully be more fun and interesting. Also, this addition should allow players who can only dedicate a few hours a week to the game to make a very deep cut into their Battle Pass progression.

雖然我們不想引入那些大大扭曲你玩遊戲方式的古怪挑戰,但這些挑戰應該提供一些從遊戲到遊戲的有趣變化。這意味著所有玩家都應該感受到更快的Battle Pass進程,並且旅程將更有趣和有趣。此外,這個添加應該允許那些每周只能花費幾個小時參加比賽的玩家可以非常深入地切入他們的Battle Pass進程。

Moar Legendaries!


We’re adding three Legendary items to the Battle Pass and there will now be a Legendary item every 25 Battle Pass levels in the premium track, including at purchase (that’s level 1, level 25, level 50, level 75, and level 100). Our goal is to have a nice balance of cool character exclusives and cosmetics for everyone (like weapon skins). The level 100 reward will be an evolving weapon skin with a special recolor version for those players who make it to level 110.

我們在戰鬥通行證中添加了三個傳奇物品,現在在高級進程中每25個戰鬥通行證級別將有一個傳奇物品,包括購買時(包括1級,25級,50級,75級和100級) 。我們的目標是為每個人(如武器皮膚)提供一個很酷的角色獨家裝扮的平衡。 100級獎勵將是一個不斷發展的武器皮膚,具有特殊的重新著色版本,適用於那些達到110級的玩家。

New Cosmetic Types and No Badge or Stat Tracker Rewards on Premium Path


We removed badges and basic stat trackers completely from the premium Battle Pass rewards track for Season 2. You’ll still get a seasonal badge, but it’ll be a single, evolving badge that won’t take up any additional reward slots! We’ve kept seasonal win trackers in the free path, and they will all be earnable in the first 10 levels.

我們從第2季的高級Battle Pass獎勵進程中完全刪除了徽章和基本統計跟蹤器。您仍然可以獲得季節性徽章,但它將是一個單一的,不斷發展的徽章,不會占用任何額外的獎勵位置!我們在自由的道路上保留了季節性的勝利跟蹤器,並且它們都將在前10個級別中獲得收益。

You’ll also be able to earn items from three new content categories in place of badges/trackers. We’ll be revealing details about these categories closer to the launch of Season 2.


Earn Enough Crafting Metals for a Legendary Item


We’re replacing the Voice Lines with Crafting Metal rewards. You’ll now be able to earn enough Crafting Metals (1,200) to craft the Legendary item of your choosing. So, if there’s an existing item you’ve been coveting, you’ll be able to get it in Season 2. You can still get additional Crafting Metals from the various Apex Pack rewards in the Battle Pass as well.

我們用製造金屬獎勵取代了角色語音獎勵。 您現在可以獲得足夠的製造金屬(1,200)來製作您選擇的傳奇項目。 所以,如果您現有一個項目,那麼您將能夠在第2季中獲得它。您仍然可以從戰鬥通行證中的各種Apex Pack獎勵中獲得額外的製造金屬。

We have a lot more to tell you about what you can expect in Season 2, so make sure you tune into our livestream on Saturday, June 8 to hear what else we have in store.



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