Dries De Malsche是一家位於比利時的室內設計工作室,創立於2011年年中,主要專注於私人住宅和商業的室內設計項目,特別注重材料和細節。
Dries De Malsche is a Belgian interior design studio,founded in the middle of 2011. Their mainly focus on private interior projects with special attention to finish and detail.
2004年,創始人Dries De Malsche大學畢業後,曾在根特設計機構的Aksent Interieur工作了7年,之後成立了自己的工作室Ontwerpbureau Dries De Malsche。現在Dries De Malsche的項目已經發展到了杜拜等國家,極簡設計已經成為她的標誌性風格。
After graduating from University in 2004, Dries De Malsche worked at the Ghent design agency ‘Aksent Interieur’ for seven years before setting up herown studio, Ontwerpbureau Dries De Malsche.Now Dries De Malsche’s project has developed into countries such as Dubai, and minimalist design has become her signature style.
Dries De Malsche的核心是簡約和安寧,以做到溫暖的生活和工作環境為宗旨。將功能與美學轉化為精致的細節,給人低調舒適的體驗,創造優質生活空間。
Simplicity and tranquility are central here in order to realize a warm living and working environment.Transforming functionality and aesthetics into refined details, giving a low-key, comfortable experience and creating a quality living space.