每日單詞 | There will always be frontier where there is…



摘要:英英釋義:When you are talking about the western part of America before the twentieth century, you use frontier to refer to the area beyond the part settled by Europeans.——Collins。Troops established a road block on the frontier. 部隊在邊境設立了一個路障。

There will always be a frontier where there is an open mind and a willing hand. ——Charles Kettering

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每日單詞 | There will always be frontier where there is… 搞笑 第1張


frontier [frʌn’tɪr]


n. 國界;邊界;邊境

英英釋義:A frontier is a border between two countries. ——Collins

  • Troops established a road block on the frontier. 部隊在邊境設立了一個路障。

n. (尤指知識的) 前沿;尖端

英英釋義:The frontiers of something, especially knowledge, are the limits to which it extends.——Collins

  • They try to push back the frontiers of science. 他們致力於開拓科學新領域。

n. (20世紀前美國) 西部邊疆;邊遠地區

英英釋義:When you are talking about the western part of America before the twentieth century, you use frontier to refer to the area beyond the part settled by Europeans.——Collins

  • There is a remote frontier settlement. 邊遠地區有個定居點。

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