




Some people think that the best way to reduce time spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




題目中出現the best way,在雅思考試里很常見。比如「為了降低交通事故,最好的辦法是提高駕駛的最小年齡」,「為了減輕交通壓力,最好的辦法是征擁堵稅「,「為了幫助孩子學習,最好的辦法是讓他們多看電視」等等。這類題目的答題思路一般都是:首先承認並論證題目中提出的辦法的確有用,然後找出這個辦法的缺陷並提出更好的辦法。

把城市中心附近的公園都變成公寓,上下班的人就不用住在很遠的地方,他們甚至可以從公寓里步行到公司上班,這無疑會減少他們花費在路上的時間(travelling time / commuting time)【承認其合理性】,但是如果城市中心附近都是公寓,會讓本已擁擠的城市變得更加擁擠,本已很污染的城市變得更加污染,而在這樣的鋼筋水泥樓房中辦公,會增加人們的焦慮感,降低其工作效率,從而在很大程度上抵消了(offset / undo)降低通勤時間帶來的好處(benefits)【討論其缺陷性】。為了降低通勤時間,其實還有其他更好的辦法,比如利用遠程通訊技術,讓大家盡量在家里上班【提出替代方案】。以下是唐老師原創高分范文,供大家研習。


With the expansion of cities, people have to spend more and more time travelling to and from work. As one solution to this problem, it is suggested that apartment buildings should be planted near the city centre in place of parks and gardens.

This idea, if well carried out, can be rather effective in reducing the commuting time for many workers. Living in the apartment buildings close to work can help save a lot of time because the commuters do not have to travel that much. They can even walk to their offices. This is actually a beautiful dream for many who have been troubled by the heavy traffic in big cities on their way to and from work.

On second thoughts, however, the dream may not be that beautiful at all. We can hardly imagine what the city centre would look like when millions of people moved into the numerous apartment buildings there. It would become a great deal more crowded and polluted than before. To make it worse, when they need to find a park or garden so that they can take a little rest, people would have to spend a few hours travelling out of town. Working and living in such a busy and noisy environment, people would not be able to find the pleasure that is so important for their work and life, and the benefits they have gained from the shortened travelling time would be undone to a large extent.

In fact, in order to reduce the commuting time, there are better measures than having more apartment buildings in the city centre. One such measure is to take advantage of the advanced telecommunication technologies which enable people to work from home. This will save them from travelling a long way to work and at the same time maintain their positive feeling towards life and work.

(310 words)







1. Living in the apartment buildings close to work can help save a lot of time because the commuters do not have to travel that much.


2. This is actually a beautiful dream for many who have been troubled by the heavy traffic in big cities on their way to and from work.


3. We can hardly imagine what the city centre would look like when millions of people moved into the numerous apartment buildings there.


4. Working and living in such a busy and noisy environment, people would not be able to find the pleasure that is so important for their work and life, and the benefits they have gained from the shortened travelling time would be undone to a large extent.


5. One such measure is to take advantage of the advanced telecommunication technologies which enable people to work from home.

