




Task 1:

1.Your friend is considering keeping a pet. What kind of pet and advice would you give him?

2.Your school is planning to provide healthy low calories food only. What is advantage and disadvantage of this?

3.One of your friends just got a job offer in a town far away from his family. Should he take this job? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.

4.When traveling, which of the following will you choose to better learn about a place?

1) walking on the street

2) taking an organized trip

3) visiting museum

5.Which of the following three would you choose to take?

1) Painting class

2) Science class

3) Mathematics

Task 2:

1.Some people prefer to buy movies or books that they like; others prefer to rent. Which would you choose? Explain why.

2.Who do you prefer to get advice from, older people or peers? Why?

3.Some people decide which career they want to pursue before going to college. Others do it the other way around. Which approach do you think is better?

4.Would you prefer gifts bought from the shops or the ones made by hand? Please explain why.

5.Some students prefer to live alone or live with their friends when they study abroad. Other students prefer to live with local family when they study abroad.Which way do you prefer and why?



1. Why does the woman go to see the man?

A. To get details about postgraduate research opportunities at another university

B. To find out if alternatives exist to the biology department’s summer program

C. To get permission to do an independent study project over the summer

D. To inform the man of a change in her plan of study.

2. How does the man respond to the woman’s decision to study biology?

A. He is pleased by her decision.

B. He warns the woman about a potential problem with her decision.

C. He thinks the woman should wait a year.

D. He questions her reasons for making the change.

3. Why does the man mention several different branches of biology?

A. To suggest some possible research areas for the woman’s independent study project

B. To indicate that the woman will need to decide on an area to specialize in

C. To point out an advantage of the biology program at the York Institute of Technology

D. To encourage the woman to start thinking about which courses she will take next year.

4. What is the woman’s decision about doing an independent study project?

A. She will do one at the York Institute of Technology.

B. She will wait until the following year to do one.

C. She does not need to do one to graduate on time.

D. She will do one on a topic in mathematical modeling.

5. What does the woman say about receiving an incorrect grade?

A. She is unsure how to get the error corrected.

B. She is checking to see if the error has been corrected.

C. She believes it might affect her acceptance into the York Institute of Technology.

D. She is worried that her professor has not yet completed the paperwork regarding the grade.


 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her academic advisor.

Advisor: What’s on your mind, Sara?

Sara: Well, I’ve been taking a couple of biology classes this semester, and I really like it and well, I’d decided I’d like to change my major field of study and get a degree in biology instead of math.

Advisor: Oh okay. But you only have two more years here before you’re scheduled to graduate. And you know that is probably not enough time to take all the courses you need. So, if you change your major you may end up graduating late.

Sara: Well, but you know the biology department summer program, the one just for undergraduates?

Advisor: Sure, but the application deadline has already passed.

Sara: Oh yes, I know. What I wanted to ask is, well, do you know of any similar programs elsewhere where I can take the courses and have the credits transferred here?

Advisor: Okay. I see now. Well, a few of our students have attended the summer program at the York Institute of Technology on the other side of the city. Their summer program in the biology is a good one. They offer a variety of areas to focus on like cell biology, marine biology, even biotechnology. It will all be on their website.

Sara: Wow! Sounds good!

Advisor: You could take two courses there this summer which would apply to your degree here.

Sara: Oh, but I would need to take three to graduate on time.

Advisor: Well, maybe you can do the York Summer Program and an independent study project with one of your biology professors here.

Sara: Okay.

Advisor: But many professors here have already left for the summer, so you might have difficulty finding someone to supervise you this summer. But maybe you could schedule up for next summer.

Sara: Now, that would work. I will do that. Do you know when the application deadline is for the York?

Advisor: It’s a week from now.

Sara: Guess I will have to act fast. But one thing. When I got my grades back last semester, the grades from my mathematical modeling class was wrong. It was lower than what I actually earned. My professor submitted the paperwork to get it corrected but he said it could take us a week before the right grade shows up on my official records. What if York Institute wants to see my grades when I apply?

Advisor: Well, if it’s not corrected in time, ask your professor to write a letter explaining the situation and include it in your application. That should be acceptable.


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C


Models of Egg Development

Several different theories have been put forward to explain how the hard-shelled eggs of land-dwelling reptiles (e.g. lizards) evolved from the soft eggs that amphibians (e.g. frogs and toads) lay in water. The Romer model of egg development is named after the late Alfred Romer, a paleontologist who also became director of the Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology. His specialty was early reptiles because, he felt, they were the key to understanding the great reptile diversification seen in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras (around 230 million years ago). Romer’s hypothesis was that some aquatic amphibians that is, amphibians living in water called anthracosaurs began to lay their eggs on land at about the time that they were evolving reptile-like skeletal features. Indeed, some of these early amphibians and earliest reptiles are so similar in their skeletons that the exact transition point from one to the other is still difficult to determine. Eventually, though, the transition was made, but these early reptiles remained aquatic. The advantage for laying eggs on land was primarily to avoid the aquatic larval (pre- adult) stage during which immature amphibians live exclusively in water with its inherent risk of predators and drying of ponds. However, the land has its own set of dangers, not least of which is the drying effect of the atmosphere. To cope with these problems, a series of protective membranes developed around the egg, including a hard shell. Only later did the reptiles completely abandon an aquatic lifestyle.

Another hypothesis was proposed by German paleontologist Rolf Kohring, whose specialty is fossil eggs.

In Kohring’s model, amphibians during the Mississippian epoch (360-320 million years ago) spread into nutrient-poor or cooler water. Because of the harsher conditions, eggs were produced with larger yolks, that is, more nutrients for the embryo. With larger yolks, the eggs were bigger, and fewer of them could be produced by the female hundreds rather than thousands. ■ To keep the larger egg intact, one or more membranes were developed, including one that surrounded and protected the egg. ■ This outer membrane provided a place to safely store calcium ions, which are poisonous. ■ Accumulating the calcium in a hard shell then made it possible for the egg to be laid on land (it was pre-adapted to be laid there.) ■

One other model we should consider is the anti-predator hypothesis proposed by Gary and Mary Packard to explain the evolution of the hard-shelled egg. Their model was not concerned with the development of membranes surrounding the egg but continues the story after these membranes appeared. The Packards assume that the earliest reptiles laid leathery shelled eggs on very wet ground where they could absorb water during the embryos’ growth. But life on the ground is not without hazards, based on studies of modern reptiles with leathery shelled eggs. Predatory insects and microbes can be a major cause of egg mortality. To counter this loss of eggs, some of the early reptiles began secreting a thin calcareous (containing calcium carbonate) layer. This hard layer gave the embryos a better chance of surviving until hatching. And these survivors in turn would probably leave more progeny once a few of them reached reproductive age. In time, a thicker, more resistant shell developed. However, a thicker eggshell meant that less water could be absorbed for the needs of the embryo. To compensate, larger eggs were produced, containing a great deal more albumen (egg white, a water-soluble protein). At this point, the rigid eggshell had reached the bird egg level of complexity.

Mary Packard presented yet another model with her colleague Roger Seymour. They note that amphibian eggs can never get very large because the gelatin coat surrounding the developing larva is not very good at transmitting oxygen. Because of this restriction, we will never see frog eggs the size of a chicken’s. For Packard and Seymour, the major evolutionary breakthrough in reptile eggs was the elimination of the thick gelatin coat and replacing part of it with a fibrous membrane. This change allowed larger eggs to be developed.

1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage. Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. During the period that early amphibians changed into reptiles, their skeletons were exactly the same.

B. It is difficult to identify the time that early amphibians changed to reptiles because their skeletons look so much alike.

C. The skeletons of some early amphibians and reptiles are so similar that it is difficult to say which are amphibians and which are reptiles.

D. Early amphibians and reptiles had the same kind of skeleton at the same point in time.

2. The word 「exclusively」 in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. only

B. initially

C. primarily

D. temporarily

3. According to paragraph 1, aquatic amphibians laid their eggs on land in order to

A. enable young amphibians to benefit from a dry atmosphere

B. ensure the rapid development of a hard shell

C. enable young amphibians to evolve features necessary for living on land

D. protect young amphibians from the dangers associated with life in the water

4. The word 「Accumulating」 in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Forcing

B. Collecting

C. Distributing

D. Isolating

5. In paragraph 2, why does the author mention the information about calcium ions

A. To explain Koherig’s theory that amphibian eggs developed at least two protective outer membranes

B. To explain that the calcium in a hard shell is not poisonous when the egg is laid on land

C. To explain why, according to Kohring, a hard shell evolved

D. To explain why only the outer membrane stored calcium

6. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the relationship between eggs and water


A. Eggs needed adaptations to survive in cold water.

B. Eggs needed warm water to survive.

C. Smaller eggs were produced in cold water.

D. Fewer eggs were produced in warm water.

7. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true of the eggs of amphibians during the Mississippian epoch EXCEPT:

A. They had hard shells made from calcium ions.

B. They had larger yolks than previously.

C. They had protective membranes.

D. They were produced in larger quantities than previously.

8. The word 「counter」 in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. escape

B. stop

C. combat

D. delay

9. According to paragraph 3, early reptiles began to develop a thin calcareous layer around the egg so that

A. the embryo could survive attacks from predatory insects and microbes

B. the embryo could absorb sufficient water during its growth

C. the surviving embryo could reach reproductive age

D. the egg could be laid on land

10. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 3 as a disadvantage of the hard eggshell

A. It increased the hatching period.

B. It prevented the development of large-size eggs.

C. It made it more difficult for the embryo to obtain water.

D. It made it harder for the embryo to survive until hatching.

11. The word 「breakthrough」 in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. effect

B. development

C. requirement

D. goal

12. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the fibrous membrane

A. It served the same function as the gelatin coat.

B. It was larger than the gelatin coat.

C. It allowed amphibians to produce eggs as large as those of reptiles.

D. It allowed for better transmission of oxygen.

13. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

And the relatively few that were produced had to be properly protected.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Answer Choices

A. Alfred Romer’s hypothesis was that early amphibians started evolving reptilian skeletal features long before they started laying eggs on land.

B. Alfred Romer theorized that early reptiles developed protective membranes around the egg in response to the dangers to young amphibians in water and threats to the egg on land.

C. In Rolf Kohring’s view, early reptiles developed protective membranes around the large eggs that were produced in harsh water conditions, making it possible for the egg to be laid on land.

D. Gary and Mary Packard claimed that reptiles developed the hard-shelled egg in order to reduce the rate at which eggs were destroyed by predatory insects and microbes.

E. Rolf Kohring argued that egg development was poor during the Mississippian epoch due to nutrient-poor waters.

F. According to Mary Packard and Roger Seymour, reptiles could not successively develop very large eggs because of the elimination of the gelatin coat.


Q1B Q2A Q3D Q4B Q5C Q6A Q7D Q8C Q9A Q10C

Q11B Q12D Q13A Q14 BCD


1.As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

1)students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study.

2)students must volunteer to work in the city where the university is located or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.

which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university. Why?

2.Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.

3.Which area the government should fund to improve children’s education?

1)hiring more teachers to teach in a small class

2)preschool education before kindergarten

3)providing some training courses so that teachers can be more professional

4.Which of the following three affects productivity the most?

①the working environment, like noises and distractions


③ personal interest

5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students to learn.