


Bye bye Bond: The new 007 is a black woman 再見了龐德:新007是一位黑人女性

來源:今日俄羅斯 翻譯:世界播

毀經典!新版007竟是黑人女性!外媒質疑:為了政治正確過猶不及 娛樂 第1張

The James Bond franchise will shake things up completely for its 25th instalment, casting a black actress to take over from Daniel Craig as the new 007.


The UK’s Daily Mail reports that British actress Lashana Lynch will take over from Craig as codename 007 in the as-yet-untitled film. The movie will reportedly see Craig retain the title role, however, being called out of retirement in Jamaica for one last mission.


The revelation is not so surprising in an era when political correctness has become something of a new religion – and naturally, the casting has prompted much divisiveness on social media, where there have been both celebrations of the daring move and anger that the long-established brand of the male, martini-sipping Bond would be fundamentally changed forever.


To avoid confusion, it should be pointed out that Lynch won’t be playing ‘James Bond’ per se, but will be taking over the 007 codename, which, technically speaking, can be done by anyone.


The question is whether or not it should be.


The Bond news comes shortly after it was announced that the Little Mermaid character would also be played by a black actress in an upcoming live-action remake of the 1989 classic, causing similarly divided social media reaction. Before that, there was the controversy over the casting of a black actress in the role of the white, red-haired Annie in 2014.


The trend also points to an arguably insulting assumption that women – of any race – would be so overwhelmed with gratitude to be ‘given’ a traditionally male role.


In an era when Hollywood actresses talk so much about a lack of strong female leads, one might assume they’d be happier to see each other take on new, challenging roles in female-driven stories.


If a movie franchise is outdated, surely the better option is to simply move on and make something new? Bond critics have long said the character is a womanizing player unfit for the #MeToo era. Why is the solution to that to simply turn the 007 character into a woman?

如果一個電影系列已經過時了,那麼更好的選擇當然是繼續前進,創造一些新的東西。長期以來,龐德的批評者們一直認為這個角色是一個玩弄女性的角色,不適合「我也是(me too)」的時代。可為什麼解決這個問題的方法就是簡單地把007角色變成一個女人呢?

If the latest obsession with rewriting movie history to be less ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’ continues in the current vein, audiences may soon start to catch on to the fact that this pandering is more about Hollywood studios making a quick buck than genuine interest in diversity and inclusivity.


Then they’ll realize they’ve been duped all over again.



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