口誤湯姆克魯斯確診? 綠委道歉:此湯姆非比湯姆



口誤湯姆克魯斯確診? 綠委道歉:此湯姆非比湯姆 台灣好新聞 第1張


「阿甘」也中鏢了!63歲的奧斯卡影帝湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)今日透過他個人Instagram宣布,他和妻子麗塔威爾森(Rita Wilson)確診新冠肺炎,震驚好萊塢。民進黨立委林楚茵今天在質詢時,一度口誤稱是另一位美國巨星湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)確診,她趕緊在臉書道歉。



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive. Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no? We’ll keep the world posted and updated. Take care of yourselves! Hanx!

Tom Hanks(@tomhanks)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 11 日 下午 6:08 張貼
