


阿諾·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),世界著名的健身運動員,好萊塢影星,也是兩屆高票連任的加利福尼亞州州長。在2018年年末的這次演講中,他分享了自己經歷了什麼,為什麼能成功,如何對待失敗。


I went to college, I went and worked out five hours a day. And I was working on construction, because in those days in body-building, there was no money. I didn’t have the money for food supplements or anything. So I had to go to work. So I worked in construction, I went to college and worked out in the gym. And at night from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight. I went to acting class four times a week. I did all that. There was not one single minute that I wasted. And this is why I standing here today.


You see, if you don’t have a vision of where you go, and if you don’t have a goal where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere.


74% of people hate their job in America. The majority of people don’t like what they’re doing, because they’re not doing it, because they didn’t have a goal and then followed this goal. They’re just aimlessly drift around and there’s a job opening, so they get their job because they need to work. But then when you work, it’s a chore. It’s work. It’s not fun. So if you think about it, only a quarter of people really enjoy what they’re doing in life.



I hate Plan B, because we have so many doubters. We have so many of those people that say 「no」 and 「you can’t do it」 「it’s impossible」. But when you start doubting yourself, that’s very dangerous, Because now what you’re basically saying is that if my plan doesn’t work, I have a fallback plan, I have a plan B. And that means you’re start thinking about Plan B. Every thought that you put into Plan B, you’re taking away that thought and that energy from plan A.

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And it’s very important to understand that we function better if there is no safety net. I’m telling you I’ve never ever had a plan B. … To me, it is very dangerous to have a plan B, because you’re cutting yourself off from the chance of really succeeding.



And the reason one of the main reasons why people want to have a plan B is because they are worried about failing. What if I fail then I don’t have anything else? well, let me tell you something. Don’t be afraid of failing, because there’s nothing wrong with failing, You have to fail in order to climb that ladder. There’s no one that doesn’t fail.


Michael Jordan said in one of his interviews when they said 「you’re unbelievable」「you the greatest basketball player of all times, and he says 「well, you just mentioned the successes」,but he says 「For me, to become the greatest basketball player, I missed 9,000 shots when I was playing basketball the NBA games.」 So, during this games that he was so successful, he missed 9000 shots. Does it make him a failure? No. He is one of the greatest basketball player of all times, but he failed 9,000 times! Do you get it? We all fail! It’s okay.


What is another case is when you fail you stay down, whoever stays down is a loser. Winners will fail and get up, fail and get up, fail and get up. You always get up, that is a winner.



So, relax. It’s okay to fail. let’s just go all out and give it everything that you got!. That’s what it is all about, So, don’t be afraid to fail!


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