Andy的發音講解 – WeChat




Andy的發音講解 - WeChat


What is WeChat? WeChat is one of China’s most popular messaging and social media apps. It has bits of WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Okcupid wrapped into one. Two years after its launch, more than three hundred million people have signed up, with 86% of its users based in China. Jay Oatway, a social media consultant based in Hong Kong has this to say about WeChat, 「As a breakout app, WeChat is significant. We haven’t seen very much come out of China that’s far that’s been accepted around the world.」


  1. What is可能是最為常見的一個濁化詞尾的連讀了,可以用來鑒別口語的老司機。同樣後面的WeChat is也是可以連讀的;

  2. one of雖然看起來不能連讀,實際上e是不發音的;

  3. messaging的重音在me上面;

  4. 再次重提and的吞音問題;

  5. apps的讀法,就像講解中強調過的不能讀成A-P-Ps

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