WeChat New Ban! Don't Share This Content in WeChat!



WeChat New Ban! Don't Share This Content in WeChat! 科技 第1張

On March 18, the WeChat Security Center officially issued the “Announcement on Combating Individual Illegal Credit Behaviors of WeChat“, and made special clean-ups for users who illegally issued loans.

Part 1


The announcement emphasizes that, according to the relevant regulations and laws, if individual account publishes, displays and disseminates all kinds of financial loans information in any forms, it must obtain relevant loans business permit to regulate its activities.

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Any illegally issued loans information will be disposed of by the official WeChat platform according to the relevant regulations.

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The illegal loan behaviors mentioned here refers to the act of issuing loans to unspecified objects for the purpose of making profits without the approval of the financial regulatory authorities.

Besides, the announcement adds that, whether it is private lending or illegally issue loans, if there is any malicious collections including but not limited to intentional injury, illegal detention, insult, intimidation, threats (such as crank call, spreading nude photos and exposing personal information, etc.), harassment, the official WeChat platform will seriously deal with such behavior based on users’complaints and the results of verification.

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Part 2

Processed Accounts

From the beginning of 2019 to now:

There are more than 2500 accounts that illegally issue loans, which will be disposed of step by step, and the official WeChat platform will continue to strengthen the treatment.

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Some of 「Processed WeChat Account」:

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Part 3


It’s risky to lend loans illegally, which exists the danger of high-interest rate and fraud!

The following are some of the common tricks about 「loans」:

  1. To attract people who are eager to spend money, such as black household loans, quick loans, etc., the fees are deducted from the borrowings on the grounds of collecting various handling fees, and the users still need to repay according to the funds before deduction.

    For example: Ifyou borrow 2000 yuan, 500 yuan will be deducted as the fee, and you can receive 1500 yuan finally. And you still need to repay 2000 yuan or more.

  2. Increase the amount of loan is maliciously, and introduceother loan platforms tothe borrower to sign a new higher loan contract.

  3. When you apply for the loan, the lender excessively collects personal privacy information that is not related to the loan, including but not limited to mobile phone contacts, payment code, service code, Alipay’s code and so on.

Part 4


Here aresome complaints entrance:


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Tencent 110:

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Be careful!

Share to let your friends know!

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