



長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第1張


  今天我們一起來讀篇英文報導,學點相關詞匯和英語表達。英文文章作者為Gabriel Li,文章略有刪節;圖片來自網路。

  Youku’s TV Series The Longest Day in Chang’an Unveils the Most Flourishing Times in Chinese History

By Gabriel Li


  「Curfew 宵禁 is temporarily suspended in Chang’an. Anyone, no matter where you come from, could get in the city after only one security check 安全檢查. Once you get in, you are allowed to commute between different places inside the city within the next 12 hours,」 an officer announces 宣布 on top of the city gate of Chang’an, modern day Xi’an. It is the Lantern Festival 元宵節 in Tang dynasty 朝代 China, the fifteenth day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar 農歷. It is an exuberant celebration when people indulge themselves by gazing at the moon or lanterns, and playing withfireworks 煙火.



  • curfew有兩個釋義,一個為劇中的意思:古代的宵禁,當時法律規定夜晚一定時辰後人們須在室內、不得外出;英文釋義可參照詞典:a law that forces people to stay indoors after a particular time at night, or the time people must be indoors 宵禁;第二個意思看美劇的小夥伴一定不陌生,即家長給孩子規定的晚上幾點前必須到家/睡覺的「熄燈令、門禁」。
  • indulge 有「放縱,讓自己任性一把」的意思,常用的詞組是indulge oneself或者indulge in sth
  • 本段不少傳統民俗的單詞,進一步學習可讀往期推送:如何吃著元宵和外國友人科普春節

長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第2張

  That’s how the hit 火爆 TV show, The Longest Day in Chang’an 長安十二時辰 starts — a delicate movie-class long-take 長鏡頭, depicting 描述 the lives of female entertainers (like Japanese Geishas), peddlers 小販, tradesmen, servants, western travelers, poets andassassins 殺手 in disguise at this prime time in Chinese history. Each episode opens with refined details, indicating a certain time period of the day with a giant sundial, an ancient method of recording time according to the shadow caused by the sun.



  • 影視術語中,take是鏡頭的意思,long take即長鏡頭,如果想強調「長鏡頭一鏡到底」可以說extended single take,長鏡頭非常考驗導演的調度功力,喜歡這個風格的可以去看看侯孝賢導演的電影《海上花》。
  • prime time可以指電視劇播出的「黃金時段」,也可引申為「黃金時代」,如盛唐即為中國古代封建歷史上的巔峰時期。
  • 了解《長安十二時辰》原著小說創作背景的小夥伴,一定要記住assassin殺手這個單詞,因為小說靈感來自遊戲《刺客信條 Assassin's Creed》,介紹這部劇時可以說:This drama is inspired by a game named Assassin's Creed.

長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第3張

  According to the director Cao, he wanted to display 呈現 the prosperity 繁榮 of the Tang dynasty, bringing a wholistic 完整的 view of what people were dealing with in their daily lives back then 當時, whether it’s work, entertainment 娛樂 or socializing. However, under the openness andabundance 富饒 of the nation there are hidden shadows and currents 暗流. It was the best of times, but it was also the worst of times.



  • 劃線句引用著名作家Charles Dickens 查爾斯 · 狄更斯在《A Tale of Two Cities 雙城記》中的開篇詞。

長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第4張

  …… The Longest Day in Chang’an also adopts 採用 one of the most in vogue TV genres – double detectives 偵探. Just like Sherlock Holmes and Waston, the show has two protagonists 主角 with completely different characters 性格. One, an experienced and bohemian anti-hero 反英雄 detective who was recently released from prison and is aware of shady secrets behind the prosperity of his nation. Another is a prodigy 天才 with a historical prototype 歷史人物原型 of a genius emperor’s counselor 宰相. Together they go on to solve a case 破案 within a time span of 12 hours. Despite movie-class artistic design, the half ancient and half literary lines are mingled with 混合 phrases that one would expect to hear in a more Korean melodrama, like 「For most men their behavior doesn’t match their words, I hope you are not one of them.」 To be fair, the show does it in a pretty sarcastic 諷刺 and self-aware way.


長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第5張

  The series, released 播出 on Youku, has received a rating 評分 of 8.6 on Chinese top rating website Douban.com, which is flooded with picky 挑剔的 young film nerds. It is safe to say a large number of young fans are drawn to the show by its exemplary cast, featuring 主演 Lei Jiayin, known for his role in the Chinese comedy 「Guns and Roses,」 and Jackson Yee, of Chinese boy band 男子團體 TFBoys.



  • release有「釋放、播出」兩個主要意思,「釋放」可見上一段be released from prosion 放出大牢;「播出」見本段be released on Youku;兩個詞組中的介詞分別是from、on也值得特別留心。
  • picky 挑剔的,在文中也可以處理為「嚴格的、高標準的」;這里給大家推薦下豆瓣,無論看電影還是看書,豆瓣評分都非常值得信賴,未必最符合你的口味但完勝一眾其他網站,可以避免踩雷、節約不少時間。想知道悅然推薦學英語時看什麼電影?請讀千里挑十:最適合學英語的電影推薦

長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第6張

  Jackson Yee with his angular yet frosty facial features 臉部特徵 and temperament 氣質, is a perfect choice for the role of the prodigy emperor’s counselor, who is portrayed 描繪 in the original novel, The Longest Day in Chang’an as a young man with 「a round and small face, with unfaded temperament of youthhood. There already appears three light wrinkles 皺紋 upon his eyebrows 眉毛, which is perhaps a result of too much contemplation over things.」 The actor, who was just 17 at the time of filming the TV series, already displays 展現 better acting skills than most pretty but dull faces in idol dramas.



  • feature詞性不同時意思也不同。在本段做名詞,有」特徵「的意思;上一段做動詞時,意思為」(擔任)主演「,來個例句鞏固下Liu Yifei featured in Mulan, Disney's upcoming film. 劉亦菲在迪士尼新片《花木蘭》中擔任主角。
  • 喜歡四字弟弟的小夥伴可以背誦本段,並參考悅然寫過的攻略:pick楊超越?不如學霸式追星,花癡學習兩不誤。

長安十二時辰:呈現絕美盛世 戲劇 第7張

  It is also worth mentioning that 值得一提的是 the author of the original novel has achieved huge success previously through several web shows including Mystery of Antiques 古董局中局. Apart from 除了 his abundant knowledge of history, he also knows how to make the story more enticing 吸引人. He once shared in a documentary about this show, 「I think Chang’an is one of the most glamorous 極具魅力的 ancient cities in China. People from all over the world come and gather in this place. The greatest charm of this culture actually lies in 在於 the lives of ordinary people hidden under the prosperous facade.」




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