



而在即將到來的2020年,新的賽事——秘庫勇士賽即將打響。這個公布於2019年9月底的全新賽事分為三個階段:第一級是秘庫勇士選拔賽(VaultWarrior Tryout, VWT),目的是通過海選遴選出優勝者參加第二級比賽;第二級是秘庫勇士資格賽(VaultWarrior Qualifiers, VWQ),在全球的數個賽點中分別遴選出32強,參加第三級的世界大賽;第三季比賽是秘庫勇士冠軍賽(VaultWarrior Championship),來自全球各地的玩家們爭奪秘庫勇士冠軍,並瓜分10萬美金的獎池。這三級比賽中,VWT早已向所有授權店家開放申請。由於官方承諾VWT將會發放獨一無二的獎品,因此就算沒有任何玩家願意參加第二級的VWQ,其意義也相當於每年一次特別的店級冠軍賽;由於獎品稀有且並非所有申請店家都能獲得主辦權,其意義實際上是明顯大於一場店級賽的。


(ps: 作為比賽的舉辦者,我在新聞剛發布時就第一時間填完了表格,大約花費了一個下午,當然所有問題都給出了詳盡的回答,相當於寫了好幾篇小作文;這篇指南早在那時就有計劃,當時的想法是自己申請成功了再寫;未曾想到申請發出後至今石沉大海,後來才聽聞至今沒有任何人收到批復的消息,emmmm……)


KeyForge VaultWarrior Tryout Application Form

Welcome to the KeyForge VaultWarrior Tryouts application page. Do you have what it takes to host one of these events? If you think you do, then forge on! Below are some questions that need to be filled out COMPLETELY. We suggest that you read through each question carefully and thoroughly before applying in order to ensure you have all the necessary information, including photos and testimonials from your players. MAKE SURE YOU READ EACH QUESTION CAREFULLY, as failing to provide the required information may jeopardize the chances of your application being successful. If selected, your organization’s name, location, and website will be published on the Fantasy Flight Games website. All other information entered into this form is collected in confidence and will not be shared with any outside parties. Visit www.VaultWarrior.com if you have any questions about the VaultWarrior series!



Your Name聯繫人全名(張三 = San Zhang)

Please enter the first and last name of your organization’s point of contact.

Your Email Address郵件地址

Please enter the email address of your organization’s point of contact.

What type is your organization?組織性質,店家選擇Game Store / Retailer

Please select the option from the list below that best describes your organization.

If you entered “Other” in the field above, please describe your organization.填N/A

If you did not enter “Other” in the field above, simply type “N/A”.

Organization Name組織全稱,英文

Please enter the full name of your organization.

Organization Website組織網站,沒有就填網店、官方平台網址,不能填無

Please enter your organization’s public website. If your organization does not have an official website, then link its social media page instead.


Please enter the city that your organization is located in. If your organization spans multiple cities, please enter the city of your organization’s headquarters. If your organization has no consistent physical location, enter “N/A”.

State or Province所在省(全稱)

Please enter the FULL NAME of the state or province that the city you entered above is located in. If you did not enter a city above, or if your country does not have states or provinces, enter “N/A”.

Country國家(People’s Republic of China, China PR)

Please enter the FULL NAME of the country that the city you entered above is located in. If you did not enter a city above, enter “N/A”.

Venue Name賽點名稱,可以與店名相同

Please enter the name of the venue in which you would host the VaultWarrior Tryout (for example, if you would host the event in a particular game store, enter the name of that store).

Venue Website賽點網站,可以與組織網站相同

Please enter the website associated with the venue you listed above. If this is the same website as your organization (such as if your organization owns the venue), simply reenter your organization’s website.

Venue City賽點所在城市

Please enter the city in which the venue you listed above is located.

Venue State or Province賽點所在省份

Please enter the FULL NAME of the state or province in which the venue you listed above is located. If your country does not have states or provinces, enter “N/A”.

Venue Country賽點所在國(People’s Republic of China, China PR)

Please enter the FULL NAME of the country in which the venue you listed above is located.

Enter the capacity of the venue you listed above.賽點容量(最多能容許多少人比賽,要求不能虛報)

Please keep in mind that, by entering a number in the field below, you are committing to providing appropriate space and accommodations for at least that number of players. Do NOT enter a number larger than what you can reasonably accommodate.

Pictures of Venue上傳賽點照片,至少4張,要求能清楚地證明容量;且其中至少一張必須清晰表明賽點入口,並帶有賽點名稱

Please upload at least 4 images of the venue you listed above. These images should clearly demonstrate the amount of space available, including enough space to host at least the number of players you entered above. In addition, at least one image should show the entrance to the venue with a display of the venue’s name.

Attach file

Drop files here

If you are selected to host a VaultWarrior Tryout, you must commit to adhering to the guidelines laid out in all official Organized Play documents.點選第二條,接受

These documents include (but are not limited to) the KeyForge Rulebook, the KeyForge Tournament Regulations, the Fantasy Flight Games Floor Rules, and the Fantasy Flight Games Fundamental Event Document.

I do not accept this requirement.

I accept this requirement and commit to following these guidelines.

What is it that you love about KeyForge?

In your own words, why are you applying to host a KeyForge VaultWarrior Tryout?

Please explain the reasons for why your organization wants to host one of these events.


Why should you be selected to host a VaultWarrior Tryout?

Please explain why your organization is one of the best choices for hosting one of these events.


What will you do to advertise the event and ensure its success?

Please explain the preparations your organization will conduct for this event.


What will you do to go above and beyond while hosting this event?

Please explain how your organization will make your event stand out and be as unique as the game itself.


Describe your past experience with running KeyForge events.

Please explain your organization’s experience with hosting KeyForge events, including:

How often you run events.

What formats you use.

What variants you use.

The average number of attendees.


If you are selected to host a VaultWarrior Tryout, how will you make sure your event is easy to find and welcoming for all who attend?

Please explain the measures you will take to help players locate your event and how you will ensure that they all feel equally welcome.



Please share with us some photos of KeyForge events you have run in the past.上傳往次賽事的照片,至少4張,要求能夠證明你舉辦的往次賽事的規模、環境氛圍和參賽人數。

Please provide a minimum of 4 images that demonstrate the scale of your past events, the general atmosphere, and the number of attendees.

Attach file

Drop files here

Please share with us a testimonial from a player at one of your past events.

Please ask permission from the player before providing their name.


Please share with us a second testimonial from a different player at one of your past events.

Please ask permission from the player before providing their name.


Please share with us what you have done in the past to help grow your KeyForge community.

This includes your efforts to build excitement for the game, invite new players to join, and maintain a fair and welcoming environment for the ones who keep coming back.


Please use this section to add anything else you feel will help support your application.

In the past, we have been provided with links to videos of gaming areas, links to albums with more photos of events, and further testimonials. Feel free to use this section to show off who you are and what you do.




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尋夢園是台灣最大的聊天室及交友社群網站。 致力於發展能夠讓會員們彼此互動、盡情分享自我的平台。 擁有數百間不同的聊天室 ,讓您隨時隨地都能找到志同道合的好友!