



華為新款筆記本電腦7月刊行,美媒謊言不攻自破 科技 第1張

Huawei will release a new laptop product in July, with different models and configurations compared with previous series such as the MateBook and HonorBook, a source close to the matter confirmed to the Global Times, hours after CNBC reported that the Chinese company had scrapped the launch of a new laptop due to US export controls.


The insider also refuted reports that Huawei had halted laptop production due to the export control imposed by the Trump administration amid the escalating trade war, which has seen US companies come under pressure in recent weeks to stop working with Huawei.


The new laptop will be equipped with the Windows operating system, the source said, in contrast to rumors about Microsoft halting cooperation with Huawei.


CNBC reported earlier on Wednesday that the company will indefinitely put on hold the launch of a new laptop as the company has been blacklisted by the US government. The order is now restricting its access to US technology, which Huawei relies on for significant parts of its consumer products.


Huawei releasing the new product in line with its schedule shows that the company is going forward in a normal way, which will be an inspiring move, industry insiders said.


“The new laptop's system will run based on ARM architecture that supports Windows, which shows that the cut-off of some technologies has very little impact on Huawei,” Fang Jing, an industry analyst at China Merchants Securities, told the Global Times on Wednesday.


The source also claimed that reports about Huawei halting and closing PC production lines under such circumstance are groundless, and it will not change its strategy of continuously investing in PCs.


文:GT/Chen Qingqing


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