哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉





哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉

It’s the first rule of customer service: When something goes wrong, apologize.In many cases, the apologies continue throughout the interactionas an employee goes the extra mile to convey empathy and concern.


But surprising new research shows that approach can backfire: An apology that extends beyond the first seconds of an interaction can reduce customer satisfaction.


Employees should instead focus on demonstrating how creatively and energetically they are trying to solve the customer’s problem—that, not warmth or empathy, is what drives satisfaction.


Researchers reached these insights via a novel study that allowed them to observe exactly what happens when a customer rep is confronted with an unhappy customer.


A team led by Jagdip Singh, of Case Western Reserve, obtained and analyzed 111 videos filmed at customer service desks at U.S. and UK airports for a reality TV show(the producers had had the customers sign privacy waivers).

凱斯西儲大學的賈迪普·辛格(Jagdip Singh)帶領的研究團隊通過一檔真人秀節目,獲得了美國和英國一些機場客服櫃台的111份錄像,並對其進行分析(節目方說服出現在錄像中的乘客放棄主張隱私權)。

哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉

The clips depict employees dealing withpassengers who have lost bags, missed flights, or suffered other indignities of air travel. 「For the first time we were able to go beyond surveys or after-the-fact interviews and get direct access tothe way these interactions happen in real life,」 says Singh.


The researchers coded employees’ words and phrases, evaluating whether the reps were engaged primarily in 「relational work」 (by being empathetic, apologizing, or trying to forge a personal connection) or in 「problem-solving work」 (by focusing on finding solutions). They also examined facial expressions to identify when employees were showing 「positive affect」—for example, by smiling.


哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉

The study reached two broad conclusions.


Employees who expressed a great deal of empathy or tried to appear bright and cheerfuldid a poor job of satisfying customers, especially if this relational work extended beyond the first moments of the conversation.


And customers cared less about the actual outcome (for example, whether a missing bag was quickly located) than about the process by which the employee tried to offer assistance. 「It’s not about the solution—it’s about how you get there,」 Singh says.


哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉

If employees project a lot of warmth, customers perceive them to be less competent. When analyzing the videos, the researchers divided the customer interactions into three phases:


  • sensing (in which the employee asks questions to try to understand the issue)


  • seeking(in which the employee brainstorms and explores potential solutions)



  • settling (in which the employee works with the customer to choose the solution that will provide the best outcome)


In many of the encounters, reps kept apologizingor making small talk throughout all three phases, but their attempts at warmth seemed only to heightencustomers’ frustration.


哈佛商業周刊:Sorry is not enough 別總向客戶道歉

「Saying ‘I’m sorry for this—the same thing happened to my sister’ makes the customer feel that the employee is not really paying attention to the problem, and customers see it as a distraction,」 says Singh. In fact, the research suggests that continuing to apologize after the first seven seconds of such a conversation will most likely backfire.


After those opening seconds, the researchers say, employees should focus on energetically and creatively exploring a range of potential solutions to the problem.This brainstorming phase, more than anything else, is what customers will use to assess the encounter—and the more ingenuity an employee shows, the better.


「Clients Care about Solutions, Not Apologies」



— END —



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