5G Phones Will Reach the Market in 2019 首批5G手機價格將超過8000元 你打算入手嗎?



5G Phones Will Reach the Market in 2019 首批5G手機價格將超過8000元 你打算入手嗎?


The first batch of 5G smartphones will be priced above 8,000 yuan ($1,166), as more than 30 pre-commercial 5G devices are likely to hit the market in 2019, China Mobile, the world’s largest telecom carrier by mobile subscribers, forecast recently.


5G Phones Will Reach the Market in 2019 首批5G手機價格將超過8000元 你打算入手嗎?

But as the fifth-generation mobile network is officially commercialized in 2020, the prices of 5G smartphones are likely to fall considerably, with the most inexpensive one reaching about 1,000 yuan, China Mobile added.


5G Phones Will Reach the Market in 2019 首批5G手機價格將超過8000元 你打算入手嗎?

According to the Beijing-based company, it will test the first batch of prototype 5G smartphones made by Huawei, Xiaomi, ZTE, Vivo, and Oppo in the first quarter of next year.


5G Phones Will Reach the Market in 2019 首批5G手機價格將超過8000元 你打算入手嗎?

The above companies are all working hard to bring useable 5G smartphones to the market as soon as possible, even eyeing the first half of 2019 at the earliest.


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