固定的愛情關係叫relationship, 分長期long term relationship,和短期,short term relationship, 比如,I am looking for a serious long term relationship, not a one night stand! 我要的是正兒八經的長期感情,不是一夜情!
但再固若金湯的感情也可能不幸遭到背叛,感情的背叛叫cheat, 和考試作弊一樣,He cheated on the exam, 他考試作弊,還教大家一個cheat的俚語,cheat on the death,欺騙死神,就是命大,死里逃生的意思,Lucy cheated on death , she was totally fine in that car accident, lucy在那場汽車事故中死里逃生;感情里的背叛舉例說明,James is such a bastard! He cheated on Lucy who loves him deeply!詹姆斯真是個混蛋,他竟然背叛深愛他的lucy!
感情背叛的書面語說法是infidelity, 不忠,比如,I could put on any horrible bad habit of Linda except for her infidelity within marriage!除了對婚姻的不忠,我願忍受Linda所有的壞習慣;Infidelity is the biggest reason for divorce,不忠是離婚最大的原因;affairs在婚姻里就是婚外情的意思了,Having an affair is pretty common for pop stars nowadays, 如今明星出軌再正常不過了!
- I am looking for a serious long term relationship, not a one night stand!
- Lucy cheated on death , she was totally fine in that car accident
- James is such a bastard! He cheated on Lucy who looks him deeply!
- I could put on any horrible bad habits of Linda except for her infidelity within marriage!
- Infidelity is the biggest reason for divorce
- Having an affair is pretty common for pop stars nowadays