


作者:Tran Tram T,et al.















一項AIH治療的系統評價認為,皮質類固醇±AZA適於誘導,而對於AIH維持治療,皮質類固醇+ AZA或AZA單一療法優於皮質類固醇單一療法(127)。但是,目前尚無關於懷孕期AIH治療的系統評價或薈萃分析。在缺乏此類數據的情況下,重要的是要考慮到懷孕期間AIH發作可能比控制和預防AIH發作所需的藥物治療潛在風險更不利於新生兒結局。

一項基於人群的研究對> 51,000例接受皮質類固醇(懷孕C類藥物)治療的孕婦進行了研究,結果顯示唇腭裂或其他嚴重不良事件的發生沒有增加(127)。傳統上,皮質類固醇單藥療法在懷孕期間用於AIH發作的治療,因為AZA是懷孕D類藥物,其使用受到限制(127)。









Consultation for liver disease in pregnant women is a common and oftentimes vexing clinical consultation for the gastroenterologist. The challenge lies in the need to consider the safety of both
the expectant mother and the unborn fetus in the clinical management decisions. This practice guideline provides an evidence-based approach to common diagnostic and treatment challenges of liver
disease in pregnant women.

Autoimmune hepatitis

31. Pregnant women with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) should be continued >

32. Pregnant women with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) should be continued >

There are no published systematic reviews or meta-analysis >

The key for successful pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic liver disease appears to be appropriate counseling regarding fertility and optimal management of the liver disease before, during,
and after the pregnancy. The most challenging issue in this setting is the management of medications used for the treatment of the underlying chronic liver disease with regard to dosing,
effectiveness, and safety. Limiting the discussion is the paucity of data >

It is difficult to discriminate between the potential impact of underlying maternal liver diseases and therapies for these diseases, >

Moreover, because adverse events such as congenital malformations are very rare, available data are limited to case reports and case series. The limited data >

AIH is associated with an increased risk of fetal prematurity and loss, with worse outcomes with inadequate AIH activity control, especially in the absence of or discontinuation of AIH treatment
before or during pregnancy (123). Although AIH was historically thought to be quiescent during pregnancy, more recent data suggest that AIH may have an initial presentation during pregnancy, an
intrapartum fl are risk of >20% and postpartum flare risk of up to 30–50% (124,125). Treatment for AIH is based >

Corticosteroids, pregnancy category C drugs, have been studied in a population-based study of >51,000 corticosteroid-exposed pregnancies, with no increase in orofacial cleft defects or other
significant adverse events (127). Corticosteroid monotherapy has traditionally been used for the management of AIH flares during pregnancy because AZA is a pregnancy category D drug, which has
limited its use (127). Concerns regarding AZA arose from animal studies using suprapharmacologic doses and nonoral delivery routes such as intraperitoneal or subcutaneous dosing, associated with
limbic malformations, cleft palate, skeletal anomalies, and hematopoietic suppression. However, utilization of AZA during pregnancy for treatment of AIH has been reported to be safe in a limited
number of case reports and series (128–136). AZA treatment in AIH during pregnancy has not been studied systematically. However, utilization of AZA during pregnancy has been studied systematically in
inflammatory bowel disease with 3,000 AZA-exposed pregnancies showing an association with preterm births but no increase in congenital abnormalities or LBWs (137).

Studies of AZA in other autoimmune diseases and inflammatory bowel disease have found scattered reports of preterm births but no increased risk of congenital abnormalities, spontaneous abortions,
or infections supporting the growing evidence regarding the acceptability of AZA during pregnancy (138-142). The mounting evidence of AZA’s safety during pregnancy coupled with the importance of
achieving and maintaining AIH disease control during pregnancy supports the mandate that treatment continuation for AIH is critical in optimizing maternal and fetal outcomes.

The potential benefit of treatment with corticosteroids and AZA to keep the mother’s AIH in control appears to be significantly greater than the potentially small risk of treatment-associated
adverse events >

Primary biliary cirrhosis:Older literature suggested poor outcomes of pregnancy in patients with PBC (143). As patients with PBC tend to present at an older age after the usual child-bearing age,
and as women with PBC were discouraged in the past from pursuing pregnancy, there is an extremely limited number of studies >


Tran, Tram T, Ahn, Joseph, Reau, Nancy S. ACG Clinical Guideline: Liver Disease and Pregnancy. Am J Gastroenteroladvanceonlinepublication,2February2016;doi: 10.1038/ajg.2015.430



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