






「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第1張






「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第2張



「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第3張

Tastes Just Right: Make healthy choices a lifelong habit

We all change as we grow up. Adapting to a lighter taste and enjoying the original, unsalted flavour of food are healthy changes Ms. Gong Beibi adopted in her adulthood. To her, a lighter, low-sodium flavour is the tastiest.

「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第4張

(Please refer to the first video in above)

Fall in love with a low sodium diet

Growing up in a village by the seaside, Ms. Gong Beibi often had salt-dried fish and pickled foods for meals. She didn’t know much about healthy diets and only knew if she ate too much salty foods, she often felt thirsty. But as an adult and to improve her health, she changed to a low-sodium diet. Lemon and chili are the two substitutes she and her family use the most as alternatives for salt; steam and boiling are the cooking style for her family. In fact, after trying for a while, she found reducing salt in meals was actually not that difficult. Less salt and tasting the original flavour of foods can be fun for the family dining table.

In addition, as a mum of a 6-year-old boy, nurturing her son to form a healthy diet also becomes one of Ms. Gong Beibi’s daily 「priorities.」 Choosing natural and healthy foods like unsalted nuts and homemade yogurt is only part of it. 「Walking the talk」 to follow a low sodium diet and to avoid snacks and junk foods is also her way to show self-discipline, which sets an example for her son on his food choice.

「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第5張

Salt reduction common sense challenge

Too much salt intake is a risk factor for hypertension. And according to the Chinese Nutrition Guidelines, adults are recommended to consume no more than 6 grams of salt every day. However, in addition to making the effort to add less salt, we need to be informed about the salt content in our diet. There are many myths about salt, like 「once a strong taste is formed, it cannot be changed」 and 「if it doesn’t taste salty, it must not have high sodium content,」 we need to be clear about the science. By doing so, we can truly adopt a low sodium diet as part of our healthy life.

「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第6張

(Please refer to the second video in above)

Watch out for the hidden salt

People may not realize how much salt they consume in their daily lives. Nowadays, processed foods comprise a bigger and bigger percentage of our daily food intake. However, most processed foods contain too much salt, which can raise blood pressure. Therefore you need to pay a special attention to the amount of salt in each product when shopping. How you can quickly assess the healthier option when buying different kinds of packaged foods? You need some tips.

Processed foods are required to include nutrition labels on its package, to provide consumers with the nutrient content and properties. As one of the four core nutrients, sodium is labelled in milligrams per 100 grams or per serving of food. One gram of salt contains about 400 mg of sodium. So to get the salt content in a serving of food, a simple mathematic calculation of dividing the amount of sodium by 0.4 would apply. Please read the label when you buy foods and pick the healthier option!

「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第7張

Make healthy choices a lifelong habit

Health is an attitude, but also a choice. As we are approaching the end of 2018, we hope we have been able to provide you with the information and tips you need to stay healthy. In July of this past year, we joined up with Trends Health for the 「Yanbuguo6」 (salt no more than 6) campaign for salt reduction efforts. And the support from well-known celebrities and nutritionists further enabled us to share with you our core message that switching to lighter and healthier foods is not impossible! In the coming year of 2019, join us in choosing health and practicing 「Yanbuguo6」!

「淡」而有味:讓健康選擇成為終生習慣 未分類 第8張

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